Sunday, March 15, 2020

When The Truth Hurts

It is a fact that there are some truths that are much harder to accept than others.

The truths about sexuality are some of the hardest.

When we know that people that we care about, who are truly good people, trying to live good lives, have disorders of any kind, we ache for them and we want them to be happy.
In a fallen world there are many different types of "dis"orders, because the order that God created into it has been disturbed.
There are disorders of the physical systems; whether genetic, metabolic, or any of a thousand others.

Mental Health disorders create challenges for more and more people in our society, and many of these are of undetermined orign, although many people seem to have depression and anxiety that has come through the family line.

Another area in which we are challenged are the disorders of sexuality. Again, many times this seems to be just built into the person, as is Down's Syndrome or Schizophrenia.
Disorders of sexuality used to be seen as perversions, a lack of good parenting, or mental health issues, and the progress that has been made toward understanding and loving people, regardless of their sexual inclinations is a gift.
These challenges are real, and they affect people in every segment of society, and these are all people that desire love, connection and acceptance of their persons.
The challenges that people with same-sex attraction, or gender dysphoria, or sexual confusion face can be overwhelming and we need to meet them where they are and offer them the same love and acceptance that we would offer any other person that we meet.

And in that offer of love, we can also offer them the Truth.
That God made us in His image, and that we are called to be like Him.

In our sexuality, He has created us to be a sign of the greatest truth of all, the truth of His love. In the marital embrace, when a "man leaves his mother and father and cleaves to his wife and the two of them become one flesh", we are most like the Trinitarian family of God than in any other way. This is the Truth of who we are and why we are made the way that we are.
Man and woman are literally made for each other. When the two become one, and the Spirit of God acts, another person is created. Man and Woman are co-creators with God.
As the love of the Father and the Son is made manifest in the Holy Spirit, so the love of husband and wife is the catalyst from which new life springs.
That we participate in the revelation of the nature of God, and that He has entrusted us with the gift of creating new life, is not just part of the natural order, it is quite supernatural. It is a participation in the very life of God.

We can't avoid this order. We can't undo it, and we can't change it. We can't wish, or legislate, it away. It is God's design. He is the author of life and truth, and what He has made, He has declared good. When He made us, He declared us "very good"!

We have to look at the way He made us, and recognize that in this design there is a very fundamental truth. The truth is written in our bodies.

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