"Never before has anyone spoken like this one" ~John 7:46
How true this is! Never before, and never again.
The people in the crowd listening to the words of Jesus had such mixed reactions. Some were convicted that He was the prophet, and some said The Christ. Others could not accept that a person of such a lowly background could be the Annointed One, but the words of Jesus caused something. The words went to their hearts.
The Word causes something.
It caused creation. It was in the beginning, and it will be at the end and beyond.
Jesus is the Word, and the Word will always cause division, as it did in the crowd that day. The Word will always go to our hearts. It creates, it changes, it challenges, and we can either deny it or embrace it, but it will never be silent.
It is our very life. It is the only Truth.
For some people that Truth is very inconvenient. It is a thorn. It resonates, and the hearts that want to deny it can never rest. They have to keep searching for something that will silence it, something that will drown it out. They have to find a way to kill what is the life of the soul. The Word never stops speaking life. To become deaf to it requires a death.
But to embrace it, to give over to it, is life!
The Truth is a person, and He loves us so much! He lives, He saves, He changes everything about us.
We can rest, we can fall into Him, we can respond to that warm voice of our Lover.
Our restless hearts are at peace.
The fire of that love inflames our hearts and we should burn for the souls of the ones that He loves.
We should desire their wholeness and their healing.
What we are is a part of what He is. We are a part of The Speaking.
The Word continues to seek out hearts.
Please, God, help me to be one who brings the life of the Word to whoever You send me to.
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