Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Grace Heals

The journey through this world is truly frought with peril, and most of the peril that I have encountered I have stumbled into of my own accord.

We are put on the way of Light at Baptism, but there is always something beckoning from the darkness, and too often I have been willing to step over in that direction to satisfy my curiosity or my appetites. Once there, I have found myself engaged, and participating, in things that I know are not of the light. Not terrible things, not the kind of evil things that kill the soul outright, but the kinds of things that my heart thinks I need. Selfish pusuits, wasted time, idle gossip. These things have a way of permeating the soul and making it weak and sick. Not dead, just weakened. When the will is weakened it is much easier for evil to push into the heart and create havoc.

Havoc has been a state in life for me more than once.

I have prayed and I have asked God to forgive my discretions, and I know that He does, immediately.
He is my loving Father and he is so good. His mercy accompanies me in every moment of my life, of that I am confident.

Forgiveness is vital to the life of the soul, but as a Catholic, I can't express enough that incredible Blessing that the Sacrament of Confession has been for me.
The Grace that pours from the Cross of Jesus fills my soul and the weakness and sickness is cast out.
I am stronger and I am back on the path of Light.

Numerous times I have found myself struggling with a stubborn pattern of sin, usually relating to my selfish will and a relationship. I have taken those things to Jesus in Confession and He has poured the Grace of Reconciliation into my heart. That Grace is a real thing, it is like a powerful vitamin that builds me up. After a while, I will realize that I am not struggling with that any more, and indeed, I can confidently say that I have been healed!

Grace is the life of God and we who are Baptized do have that life within us, but the Sacraments are such beautiful sources of special graces, and we are so incredibly blessed to have these treasures.

We can't grasp Grace on our own. We have to open our hearts and ask for it. It is given, and we receive. As the Children of God and the Bride of Christ, the Church, we are fed and nurtured though the mother's milk of Grace. Christ loves the world so much that He brought the Church into being so that everyone could receive what He so very much wants to give us.

It is sad that so few people are in the habit of seeking out the Grace of this Sacrament.
It is healing, and it is ours for the asking.

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