Friday, November 29, 2019

I Make All things New Again~ Love, Jesus

"Not a hair on your head will be destroyed" ~Luke 21:19

Jesus promises that we will be persecuted, and that some of us will actually die for Him, yet not a hair on our heads will be destroyed. Even the tiniest member of the body is precious to Him and in the resurrection we will be restored to His image and likeness, right down to the hairs on our heads!

It's funny that he mentions hair, because in our culture hair is such a big deal.
People pay a fortune to have their hair cut, colored, permed, and yes, restored.

In our world today the body is treated as something to be fixed, to meet a certain standard, but it is nature that we are trying to beat into submission. The fallen nature of our lives here in this world, at this time, means that we have to constantly battle the things that nature throws at us.
Disease, disorders, aging, injury, and ultimately death, are all problems that afflict our bodies as we journey through this life. It's a battle, and unless Jesus comes back, our bodies are ultimately going to be sidelined by death. We will breathe our last breath on this earth. Some people will breathe their last because someone has decided that they need to die because of their Faith.

So what does Jesus mean when He says that not a hair on our head will be destroyed after He has just finished saying that some people will be killed?
Because our bodies are us. If we die with Him we will also rise with Him, scripture promises, and in the fullness of time we will be glorified in our bodies.

We are going to be renewed.
What is there on this earth to be concerned with if our eternity is to be a new creation in Christ?

How do we go about our days if this is a reality?
We do certainly need to be taking care of our bodies, because good health in the body makes it much easier to glorify God! We should try to eat right, get good sleep and some exercise, so that when He calls on us for whatever task, we are capable.
However, spiritual health is something that we often don't incorporate into our self-care, and it is so important! The soul is probably the most neglected part of average human being, and that's going some because a whole lot of people are neglecting their physical health.
The soul is what animates the body, and the soul filled with the Spirit can do signs and wonders, and bring other souls to Christ to share in eternal life with Him!

So, one thing is for sure, Jesus is coming and you are going to meet Him one way or another.
This Advent, maybe it is a good time to start that program of better self-care.
Add something heathy to your diet, and leave out something unhealthy, give up a bad habit, add in a little exercise. That's for the body.
Start your day with 5 minutes of prayer. Get to Confession once a month. Add a Mass to your week, if possible. Pray for a new outpouring of the Holy Spirit into your heart.  That's for the soul.

We are going to be renewed in the end, but there's no reason not to make ourselves as much like that new creation as we can, right now!

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