Friday, September 6, 2024

America, the Titanic

 Once upon a time there was a great ship. She was magnificent, mighty and miraculous in many ways. She was a marvel and an extraordinary example of what human beings can accomplish. She was built with the best materials that could be found, outfitted to be an oasis of comfort and plenty as she traveled the vast sea. It was said that she couldn't be sunk. She was launched with all the hope and excitement that a new model of engineering brings to her builders. 

As she set forth into the vast ocean, the mood on board was ebullient. People had flocked to her and it was considered a stroke of excellent luck to be sailing with her. There were luxurious quarters. Money, wine and food was present in abundance on the upper decks, while on the lower, though there was less material wealth, even the poorest people considered themselves blessed. There were parties and dancing, there was gambling and it seemed you couldn't lose. 

This incredible journey was well underway when the passengers felt something, as if the ship had been struck. But it didn't seem to be much of a concern. All the staff and crew seemed to be going about their business, and the ship was still steaming along. Surely it was nothing to be concerned about. 

The parties continued. People came and went from the rooms. There were the usual minor issues that are encountered on a long voyage, but all in all it seemed that the ship was right on course and would carry her passengers the rest of the way. It all seemed just fine.

But it wasn't fine. It wasn't even a little bit fine. It was the beginning of a disaster.

Does this story sound familiar?

It sounds a lot like what happened on April 15th, 1912 in the North Atlantic. The "unsinkable" Titanic, on her maiden voyage, struck an iceberg that was barely visible above the surface of the sea. 

But this story isn't about the Titanic. It's about another mighty "ship". The ship that we are currently sailing on, America. 

This "ship" was thought to be "unsinkable" as well. It was built with the idea that all who would sail through history aboard her would enjoy a safe, abundant and well-appointed journey. And it seemed to be so. There was plenty of space and prosperity, even for the poor who rode along in the lower decks. There were rooms filled with opportunity. The ship seemed to be magnificent and stable and true.

But then it ran into an "iceberg" in the form of the sexual revolution, and when it did, a jagged tear was torn in the hull, invisible to all but a few who were paying attention. The tear allowed an evil to begin to pour into the hold, destabilizing the ship slowly at first. This is where the family began to be affected. The most basic and foundational part of the ship, the "hold" of the nation. The family was overcome by selfishness, divorce and sexual license. As the evil began to rise, it grew more powerful. Other things flowed into the ship. Pornography, Abortion, and the blood of the innocents. As the evil poured in, the ship began to list a bit, but the people had been assured that she was unsinkable, so they continued to eat, drink, dance and gamble the time away. 

There were some who began to be concerned. They started to ask the crew if they had noticed the odd list, and the faint smell of smoke.

"No, no" they were told. "all is well, there is nothing to be concerned about. The captain at the helm says that we are on course and will arrive at our destination on time."

Now the evil filling the entire ship has become unmistakable. There is a decided tilt to the deck, and things are starting to slide around, but the bands, and football teams, play on. "No worries" the PR people say. "We have a solution, the band-aids are certain to hold, in fact, the problem might even be a good thing!" Most people are very confused about how this can be, but they have always trusted the crew, so, they think, maybe this is true. 

Those who can see that the ship is actually sinking are few, but they are trying to make the people aware and usher them to the Lifeboats. The Lifeboats are there, on the ship, and they hold the Way to safety. The Coast Guard is now on scene, and they are encouraging the people to come to the Lifeboats. They are out in the ocean and they are prepared to receive those who are willing to come off the ship.

 The people manning the Lifeboats are trying to be heard over the din of the band and the conversation. They want to save as many as possible, but as the passengers start to realize that they may need to leave the ship, they start grabbing the baggage that they have had with them. They are told that they have to leave those things behind. The things that they have acquired on the ship are tainted with the evil that is filling the ship, and have to stay behind. Many of the people say "No. If I can't take these things with me, I'd rather stay on the ship. After all, the ship has always been seaworthy. I'm sure the crew will fix it. We'll be back underway in no time." None of the crew is attempting to encourage people to go to the Lifeboats, that must mean something. 

Out on the sea, the Coast Guard Cutter is waiting, and it's Captain stands in the prow. He is wearing a bright white garment, and at His side stands a woman. Her hands are lifted, and her face looks to the Captain. He calls out to the Lifeboats to come to Him. There is safety with the fleet of Coast Guard craft. There are many, and they are manned by people who look as if they have come from all places and times. Some of them seem not to have people on them at all, but they are also coming to the aid of those who are in danger. 

There are some people who want to get into the Lifeboats, but they hesitate because they don't like the look of some of the people who are already in them. It's true. There are some pretty scruffy and unsavory looking characters. It's also true that some of the people in the Lifeboats are just sitting there, watching the disaster and nodding, as if they knew that this was going to happen and they feel vindicated. They are not at all helpful. Some of them are even unwilling to move over for those who want to get in. 

The Coast Guard Captain is calling. He calls out that the ship is really sinking, and He wants to save as many as possible, but they have to come to Him. He is waiting and some turn to look at Him.                  One man on the ship shouts "Why don't you guys come over here and save the whole ship? You're just sitting there! Stop the ship from sinking!" But the Coast Guard Captain sadly shakes His head. The ship is sinking under the weight of sin and evil. It has reached the point where the entire craft has taken on the character of evil, and the people on board have chosen not to notice. When it could have been corrected, the people were too busy partying to make an effort to staunch the flow. The ship is lost, but the people can still be saved. Maybe most of them, but they have to act fast. 

It's do or die time. Put down your baggage, get to a lifeboat, and get in.