Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Jesus- The Way, The Truth, and The Life- Really

 I have been away from this blog for quite a while, but that doesn't mean that I haven't been pondering.

I have been so blest to attend the Franciscan University School of Spiritual Direction, in Steubenville. I am in my first year, and I have already learned so much, but there is so much to ponder, especially about the human person and the relationship to God. 

I have been going through the binder, catching up on the reading that I wasn't able to do during the actual classes. There is so much in there! I have found a supervisor and a directee, and that is huge. 

One of the things that I have been pondering lately is the primacy of Christ and the Church. There is a lot to think about and unsurprisingly a lot of opposition, even within our family and many of the families that we know. 

I have never doubted the tenets of the faith. I can go through either the Apostles or the Nicene creed, and I have fully accept and believe everything that is stated. These are the things that I taught my children, and not just by "making them go to Mass" or dropping them off at religious ed. We studied and discussed, we attended camp and conferences, we went to beautiful places all over the country, and I really thought that I had provided not just evidence, but heart experiences. 

Now I know that everyone has to question and everyone has to come to faith in Jesus Christ on their own. I wouldn't want anyone to go through the motions or simply go to church because "that's what you do". That isn't authentic faith. I know that my name isn't "savior" and that there are years and years for these precepts to become true to a younger Church. I have a mission that the Holy Spirit is laying out before me, and the devil is trying to discourage and distract me. So I need to attend to my mission and let Jesus be the One who saves. I know this. 

Christ is the King. The only King. The Church is His Bride. The Church was given to the world to usher in the Kingdom. I know this too. This will be the only truth until the end of time. How can I know this and not share it with the people that I love? It's like keeping a life saving treatment for cancer to myself. We have the cure for death!! I can't just keep that to myself. 

The Magisterial body of the Church is given to the whole world to heal what ails it. I want everyone to know this! I pray that the people that I love can believe it.